
The 3rd and 4th grade students of Journey House spent the 2007-2008 school year learning about the Allen Brook Nature Trail located behind our school. We hiked the trail at least once every month. We hope you enjoy viewing our photos and reading about the trail!

Journey House 3rd and 4th graders

The Vermont Youth Conservation Corp

The Vermont Youth Conservation Corps built the whole entire nature trail. They built the nature trail with a hammer, lumber, and a chain saw. The VYCC builds things like bridges for nature trails and also lean to’s and other stuff. They build things just for the people of Vermont. You have to be 16 -21 years old to volunteer. If you volunteer, you can help build things. The VYCC has been helping people since 1985. All of their crews complete priority conservation, agriculture, park management, and disaster projects throughout Vermont.
For more information please check out: http://www.vycc.org/
by Adrian and Carly