
The 3rd and 4th grade students of Journey House spent the 2007-2008 school year learning about the Allen Brook Nature Trail located behind our school. We hiked the trail at least once every month. We hope you enjoy viewing our photos and reading about the trail!

Journey House 3rd and 4th graders

The Twisty Tree

On the Allen Brook nature trail there is a tree and it is on a curve. There is a trail to the twisty tree. You have to be in a certain spot to see it. The twisty is a tree that’s trunk is not completely straight. The trunk looks like it had to grow around another tree. We do not know how the tree got like this but our first guess is that another tree fell on it while it was growing. If you would like to see it from different angles you can look at it straight up, or you can look at it head on.


by Andrew and Aleah