
The 3rd and 4th grade students of Journey House spent the 2007-2008 school year learning about the Allen Brook Nature Trail located behind our school. We hiked the trail at least once every month. We hope you enjoy viewing our photos and reading about the trail!

Journey House 3rd and 4th graders

Signs of Beaver Activity

Beavers chew on wood because they need it to build their homes. The beavers chew trees into a point in order to break it. By doing this they are always sharpening their teeth. Some signs of beaver activity include: trees chewed into points, trees broken and on the ground and piles of wood chips. Beavers can also make BIG trees into little tiny twigs.

If you would like more information please go to: http://www.ext.vt.edu/pubs/wildlife/420-202/420-202.html
By Ben and Jackie